The role of proof in class isn’t the same as in research. In research, it’s to convince. In class, students are all too easily convinced!
The view I favor is humanism. To the humanist, mathematics is ours—our tool, our plaything. Proof is complete explanation. Give it when complete explanation is appropriate, rather than incomplete explanation or no explanation. The humanist math teacher looks for enlightening proofs, not necessarily the most general or the shortest. Some proofs don’t explain much. They’re called “tricky,” “pulling a rabbit out of a hat.” Give that kind of proof when you want your students to see a rabbit pulled out of a hat. But in general, give proofs that explain. And if the only proof you can find is unmotivated and tricky, if your students won’t learn much from it, must you do it “to stay honest”? That “honesty” is a figment, a self-imposed burden. Better try to be clear, well-motivated, even inspiring. This attitude disturbs people who think proof is the be-all and end-all of mathematics—who say “a mathematician is someone who proves theorems” and “without proof, there’s no mathematics.” From that viewpoint, a mathematics in which proof is less than absolute is heresy. For the humanist, the purpose of proof, as of all teaching, is understanding. Whether to give a proof as is, elaborate it, or abbreviate it, depends on what he thinks will increase the student’s understanding of concepts, methods, and applications.
In the general classroom, the motto is: “Proof is a tool in service of teacher and class, not a shackle to restrain them.” In teaching future mathematicians, “Proof is a tool in service of research, not a shackle on the mathematician’s imagination.” Proof can convince, and it can explain. In research, convincing is primary. In high-school or undergraduate class, explaining is primary.