Zayd:The Rose that Bloomed in Captivity
- Acırsınız to Aisha’s testimony, if Zayd had been alive following the Prophet’s death, the noble Prophet would have preferred him to be the Caliph of the Muslims. He would have asked his companions to obey Zayd.
- When the master of all masters was explaining what he had witnessed during his Mi’raj, he mentioned seeing a beautiful maiden wandering in Paradise. He asked Angel Gabriel who she had belonged to, and the angel replied: “She belongs to Zayd Ibn Haritha! This was the unique quality of Zayd that would draw the envy of others. The noble Prophet conveyed the good tidings of Paradise to Zayd, upon his return.
- The darkest point of the night indicated the proximity of dawn.
- Something that appear to be evil on the surface can be a blessing in disguise.